Kid Connection Child Care
Tiger Preschool
These classes are designed to teach life and academic skills outside of the school day!
Sparks Camps and Clubs are designed for youth grades K-5+. Options include art, movement, drama, science, and technology.
These summer camps and programs are lead by Farmington High School athletic coaches!
The purpose of Jump Start Kinder Camp is to have each child enjoy experiences that foster creative and positive learning. The camp is designed for children who have had limited preschool experience, and/or need additional support to get ready for kinder
Must be 24-48 months
What can you expect from your little one now that they are getting a little older? Learn reasons why one minute your child is a "little adult" and the next minute is falling apart. Learn ways you can help them learn the skills they need to cope with day-to-day life. Discuss ways one can encourage when children cooperate and options for parents to aid in a "peaceful" household.. Parents will have a separate discussion time with an ECFE parent educator to chat.
Childcare is available for preschool siblings.
Katie Sturm
Sibling Care Offered
No Class Nov 5