Kid Connection Child Care
Tiger Preschool
These classes are designed to teach life and academic skills outside of the school day!
Sparks Camps and Clubs are designed for youth grades K-5+. Options include art, movement, drama, science, and technology.
These summer camps and programs are lead by Farmington High School athletic coaches!
Skills Include: compact and stride dives from the side of the pool; swim under water; feet-first surface dive and retrieve an object; open turns on front and back; tread water 2 minutes; survival swimming 1 minute; dolphin kick; and more.
Strokes Include: front crawl, elementary backstroke, back crawl, breaststroke, and sidestroke.
Exit Skills Assessments:-
1. Perform a feet-first entry into deep water and swim front crawl for 25 yards and then swim elementary backstroke for 25 yards.
2. Swim breaststroke for 15 yards and then swim back crawl for 15 yards.
3. Submerge and swim a distance of 3-5 body lengths underwater without hyperventilating; return to the surface; then exit the water.
Prerequisites: Successfully demonstrate Level-3 skills. ~Please bring goggles~