Kid Connection Child Care
Tiger Preschool
These classes are designed to teach life and academic skills outside of the school day!
Sparks Camps and Clubs are designed for youth grades K-5+. Options include art, movement, drama, science, and technology.
{YEL!} Robotics: Rescue ‘Bots
For 1st-5th grades
There is a panda bear trapped in a ravine. Build a robot helicopter to rescue it and then learn skills to create a floodgate, earthquake machine, or a helpful robot to better society. Learn coding and building to make a difference.
LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site or program.
Youth Enrichment League
No Class Feb 14, Mar 7 & Mar 28
Youth Enrichment League - Adin Greenstein
No Class Mar 6
Online registration is over