Kid Connection Child Care
Tiger Preschool
These classes are designed to teach life and academic skills outside of the school day!
Sparks Camps and Clubs are designed for youth grades K-5+. Options include art, movement, drama, science, and technology.
Heidi Steffens - My Spirit Experience
Explore the Fool's Journey, a metaphor for the journey of life, to learn the messages revealed by the tarot deck. We'll approach tarot in a variety of ways, look at layers of interpretations, and have fun with simple readings during class. Bring a lunch and your tarot cards with you, or select the option to purchase a boxed tarot set with guidebook. (7 day advanced registration required to receive the boxed set.)
Heidi Steffens is the owner of My Spirit Experience spiritual center, she's a Master Reiki Instructor and a Paranormal Investigator. She leads MPRS (Minnesota Paranormal Research Society) which was founded in 2008, co-hosts The Gathering - a weekly paranormal radio show, and hosts a podcast (My Spirit Experience Podcast) on the spiritual and paranormal. Heidi holds a Bachelor of Sacred Elemental Studies and a Master of Shamanic Intuitional Practices. She is focused on helping people navigate their healing and soul-purpose paths in this world as well as working with lost or unwelcome spirits as the lines between planes and dimensions become more and more intertwined.