Kid Connection Child Care
Tiger Preschool
These classes are designed to teach life and academic skills outside of the school day!
Sparks Camps and Clubs are designed for youth grades K-5+. Options include art, movement, drama, science, and technology.
These summer camps and programs are lead by Farmington High School athletic coaches!
University of MN - Dakota County 4-H
Incoming Grades K-5
Join Dakota County 4-H to attend one of our most popular events of the year. Staff are planning a themed camp where you can count on hands-on activities, engaging guest presenters, and games!
Please pack your child a lunch (no refrigeration available), water bottle, and sunscreen. A fun camp t-shirt, snacks, and a full day of fun is included!
Registration in this camp enrolls your youth in 4-H. No member dues and no other commitments beyond camp.
Dakota County 4-H Extension