Kid Connection Child Care
Tiger Preschool
These classes are designed to teach life and academic skills outside of the school day!
Sparks Camps and Clubs are designed for youth grades K-5+. Options include art, movement, drama, science, and technology.
These summer camps and programs are lead by Farmington High School athletic coaches!
Tech Academy
Incoming Grades 1-5
Work as a team to create a custom theme park in Minecraft. Use creativity and Redstone to create this world! Possible projects include roller coasters, water rides, a trampoline park, an obstacle course, a boat race, bumper boats, a dunk tank, and many more rides and attractions! Students will get a copy of the world map to take home and expand on. We will be using the PC/Java Edition of Minecraft. Bring a USB drive to save your games on the last day. Minecraft is a Mojang Studios trademark. This camp is not affiliated with them.
Tech Academy - Tech Academy